Collection: Framboise and ketchup

"Framboise und Ketchup" has been dormant in me for a long time and if there should ever be a creative output then it should be born with this name. I started with photographing vintage toys and figures, which I discovered at flea markets in Brockis or on Ricardo. From this I produced the first postcards and posters, which I started selling on Etsy in 2016. Due to an operation, I was not able to pursue this for a long time and started to draw in digital form on my cell phone. Because I enjoyed this so much, I decided to just go in this one direction and it became an ever-growing collection of illustrations. For a good 3 years you can also buy them in small shops and bookstores. A great colorfulness and playfulness can be found in my products. Drawing brings me great satisfaction and it makes me very happy.

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